June 14, 2022

Change is a necessary part of life.  In most cases, it is a positive thing – at least in the long-term, even if it does not feel like it is in the short-term.  It can also be terrifying.  That is why providing guidance in a time of significant shifts, especially in a business, is so important.

When things are altered in our place of work, it often feels stressful.  Not only can it put strain on our professional relationships, but our personal ones as well as the emotions leak out into our home lives.  Helping employees during this strenuous time is certainly something to consider.

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What is Change Management?

Before digging deeper in this topic, it only feels right to explain what it is, first.  After all, it would be difficult to understand everything else otherwise.  So – what is it, and what makes it important?

You could read this article if you are looking for further information, but in simple terms, it is the process of preparing, supporting, and helping individual employees as an organization makes shifts.  It should include methodology and mannerisms, ideally.

Notably, it should include transitional information and create steps for monitoring the process both during and after to see how workers react and cope.  After all, the emotions they are feeling are only natural.  Some will probably take it harder than others, and many people have a difficulty adjusting (especially at first).

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The Process

Naturally, this process involves several steps.  It is best to try to implement all of them as you create your plan, as each has a critical role in ensuring the well-being of both your employees and your organization.  That is vital in a time of a merger, redefining business or budgeting practices, or altering other operations within a business.

Define the Change

This step might seem obvious, but do not underestimate its importance.  After all, there will be plenty of people on your team asking about it and how does it work?  Be prepared to provide answers and give a sense of stability.  For more guidance on this, you could look at this page: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/implement-change.

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Detail as much of the process of what is happening in your organization as you feel comfortable disclosing.  While workers probably do not need to know everything, creating a sense of transparency and clarity is helpful.

Create a Team

For this to work, it is best to have an entire team behind its implementation.  They should be empathetic, personable, but also firm.  Choose people who can confidently lead your organization into its next stages.

Ideally, they are also trustworthy.  You may need to tell them a bit more than other employees – potentially confidential information if that is applicable.  These are all things to keep in mind!

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Make a Plan

Work with the team you have selected to create a decisive plan to seamlessly integrate the changes in the organization into the work force.  This will be personal to the situation of your business or yourself.  Just make sure it is clear, concise, and actionable.  Ideally, it will include metrics as well.


Naturally, this is the most important step.  It will also vary depending on your circumstances, but I can provide some general advice.  You may want to do it in steps to help your employees adjust more seamlessly.

Sudden, stark alterations to our routines can cause undue stress, after all.  If you need to, explain what is change management for your workers.  One strategy you could employ is providing them with a timeline of when the shifts will go into effect.

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For example, if you are altering the process for work orders in the Information Technology department, you may begin with utilizing a new program.  Then, you can adjust how inputs are made.  Finally, you may change how follow-ups work.

Clearly this won’t be the same for every case – tailor it to your situation.  You know your employees best!  Encourage compliance with positive reinforcement and more than likely, things will work out.

Collect Feedback

The final step of the process that I will discuss today is what you should do after you have made the alterations in your organization.  It is critical that you talk to your employees and see how they are adjusting.

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If they are oppositional, try to be patient.  It is only natural that some people have a harder time making changes than others.  You can listen and be empathetic while also encouraging them to try again and get used to it.

Monitoring your work force and ensuring that things are going smoothly is definitely not something to forget.  It will help you analyze whether everything is working – and identify if there is a problem.  Be flexible and try to understand the root of any issues that do potentially arise as you implement these strategies!

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