May 19, 2022

A balanced diet for your infant is the key to ensuring a healthy life. But what you may not know is that certain foods can help balance their diet, and there are a variety of healthy snacks for babys that will keep babies satisfied with nutrient-rich options. Here are 7 snacks you should consider packing as part of your household’s daily menu.


  1. Yogurt: It may be the only thing you can offer a baby when they are sick, but yogurt is a good source of probiotics that help support digestion and immune health.


  1. Fruit: A natural source of vitamin C, fruit is a good option for babies that suffer from constipation or diarrhea. It provides a great source of nutrition and is often recommended as part of a balanced diet for infants. They can also grow to love the taste! Choose fresh fruits like apples, melons, berries and bananas in order to ensure the best quality vitamins and nutrients are available in their food. Never feed a baby one piece of fruit at a time – this could lead to intestinal upset if they eat too much at once.
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  1. Veggies: High in fiber and a good source of vitamins and minerals, veggies will help babies stay regular, especially if they have frequent diarrhea. Choose hearty fare like broccoli, carrots, romaine lettuce, cauliflower and leafy greens such as spinach or kale.


  1. Rice: If your baby is suffering from constipation, rice cereal might be the best solution since it helps with digestion and relieves gas. It’s also an excellent source of iron which can reduce the risk of anemia at a young age. Rice is one of the two most important carbohydrate sources for babies – along with breastmilk – so be sure to include this in your baby’s diet for best results.
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  1. Oatmeal: A great source of carbohydrates that contain protein, oatmeal is a good way to add more nutrients to your baby’s diet. It also contains iron which helps keep your baby’s blood cells strong and healthy.


  1. Applesauce: Rich in antioxidants, this fruit can help reduce the risk of anemia while quelling constipation and other bowel issues in babies. Applesauce is healthy with its heart-healthy ingredients like pectin and soluble fiber which keeps digestion moving along smoothly.


  1. Cheese: Another source of iron, cheese is a great source of calcium. It’s low in fat and can help reduce fussiness and gas. It’s a good food to start feeding to babies as soon as they’re able to chew on their own.
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  1. Meats: Every type of meat has a unique level of fat, but depending on your baby’s age, it can be a good idea to introduce them to protein-rich foods before they’re old enough to eat solid foods. Meat is a great source of iron which is necessary for red blood cells and metabolism. It also contains zinc which helps create alkaline levels in their bodies.


  1. Milk: Protein is essential for young bodies and milk is an easy way to get this nutrient into them quickly. Consume breast milk whenever you can; the more often you feed it, the better your baby will be nourished (and the less chance there is for allergies).
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Remember, breastfeeding is the best source of nutrition for your baby, but some of these healthy snacks can help supplement your milk if you’re not producing enough such as some that you can find on Always check with your doctor before giving any food to a baby – some can be harmful and cause an upset stomach.

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